Monday, October 17, 2011

Music for the springtime!

Just checked out what are some good vibe music events for this pre-summer, warmer & earlier evening times  and noticed one or two of noteworthy-ness!
Firstly the old favourite from Fairbridge and the Wilderness Society's gigs -Brow Horn Orchestra are on at the Fly By Night club - looks like it will be a fun night - along with Eco Faeries Unleashed and some serious sounding burlesque acts!  All for Freo Pride .

But I think the one I really don't want to miss is The Lammas Tide gig at Mojo's on Dec 4th. They are a great band - big sound worth a jig along to...

And my final pick also at the Fly by Night club is a funky soul night out - coming up really soon - same time as CHOGM - so if you haven't been invited to high tea with the queen - then as our beloved Australian queen Molly Meldrum used to say ....."do yourself a favour" ......head on out for some soul music!

Now where is the Victoria Park music scene........?  Hmmm


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Studio / Shed update

Very excited as the studio/shed moves nearer completion - the walls have been gyprocked and now we need to complete the bathroom tiling and plumbing, get the light fittings up - and then it is finished - oh not quite, still  need to finish the steps, privacy screens on fences and the sides of the veranda. Leaving the final  painting of the interior and exterior walls

We may need to hold some sort of 'barn raising' event here and get the whole thing painted in a weekend!
So be afraid, very afraid if you receive a invitation that mentions anything about "old clothing"  and naming a favourite painting implement! Actually, even if you casually call by to visit us in the month of December you may well need to come in old gear!  

 Photo taken looking out towards the house from inside the studio
this photo shows the studio in the background and the new retaining walls and back yard paving 

 all settling in well....