Thursday, March 31, 2011

I have been thinking about ....teaching and learning and online courses....

In the words of David Thornton (technology and education commentator)

"any teacher who can be replaced by a computer probably deserves to be"

Thinking about what technology has to offer university students and lecturers led me to thinking about how technology changes the society and culture in which it is situated and used - and what online learning will create / change in relation to the nature of learning and teaching.

To paraphrase a question posed by Neil Postman; schools and universities, need to ask not only what the technology can can provide for their teachers and students and what can be gained by having it, but also, what might it take from them too.

What might we, as teachers and educators stand to lose?

things that make me go ....hmmmmmm

Monday, March 28, 2011

posted the picture to entice amanda to New Zealand

The last post I put up was just a photo - and I didn't have time to provide the commentary - so here is some context for the snap shot now.

It was taken in my last week or so in my beloved Hokianga in New Zealand's North of the North Island ...heaven on a stick  that place - I will one day return to spend even more time there.
It is a place where Hone Heke one or the Maori tribal kings arrived and paddled his canoe up the harbour.
It is spectacular - I have been on the harbour in a motor boat but will train and go back to do the paddle.
Best day our horse riding in my life to date!  and I fell off hard too! but still it was wonderful - what a life experience I really loved the opportunity to see the place for horse back with a friend Rob Pink - a local identify who horse rides funds the local polo games, horses, gear training for the local tamariki (kids) and does a range of community based activities in the area. Rob has been n movies riding in adventure outfits around New Zealand but is a down to Earth guy that if you are ever in the Hokianga, in a town named Rawene, stop and ask if he is about- he will organise a trek on horse back that you will never forget - but watch out those horses are pretty wild up there !

Thursday, March 24, 2011

what is it with the planet? Is the Godess dancing?

We have started this year beset with bush fires, earthquakes and tsunami's, the collective suffering has been huge - the Moon has appeared closest to us in 18 years and  we are meant to be in the cycle of  the age of and understanding  - what has happened? 

I think the Goddess is not waving, drowning.

We are surrounded by scurrilous debates on climate change, courtesy of Mr Rabbit, and our man made answer to clean power generation, nuclear power has shown us its mighty pointless use to our home planet,  as we watch on horrified for Japan and its people, animals and food crops, which are all affected and caught up in its slow poisonous unravelling. I have to wonder.........

what on earth are we doing? 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

found another blog I like

My work has got in the way of my social interests once again and another week has gone by without me posting anything new decided to post this link
I found the snippets from this blogger a lot of fun to read ...albeit at times some of the writing almost caused physical pain - I did manage a few laughs in between the grimacing ....